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RADroid OP t1_j9zu7zr wrote

Been in the hospital all week with my wife, giggling in the corner writing this. At least we are leaving with our new baby daughter soon. Then I can mess the coffee up at home... my way.


topsheetisamust t1_j9zvogk wrote

I have 2 children, both born in hospitals (2 different) the worst part about the entire thing is the hospital food/beverages. Nothing like pushing out an entire human without eating for the whole process only to then get served hot garbage with a side of mud coffee, especially as a new parent running on no sleep lol. 🤷🏽‍♀️

I understand you can get food from elsewhere but that wasn’t as easy as that either time with Covid protocols


Qq1nq94 t1_ja01lmu wrote

The hospital where my daughter was born had a Starbucks in it 😆


Spare_King_2116 t1_ja3wtav wrote

My husband knew how crucial a decent cup of coffee was to my mood so he brought my french press and a fresh ground bag of my favorite beans to the hospital. Most hospitals have a microwave or a hot water spout on their coffee makers. So we had wonderful coffee to drink and share with our visitors. My OB loved it too. I Gave him his own to stash in his office... as a nurse that takes call I know how to be resourceful and make a good cup of coffee at any hour!


pro2a_guy t1_ja0hl34 wrote

Can confirm, 2 NICU kids, many years ago both doing great, longest stay was 43 days. Kinda want to go make a batch now.... congrats.


circus_circuitry t1_ja1egj1 wrote

Also 2 NICU kids. First one was 4.5 months the second stayed 2 months. I do not have any fond memories of the food.