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captjust t1_j68fmz2 wrote

I like the way you nonchalantly included the recipe.


Urc0mp t1_j68jm3q wrote

They look a touch thick and idk I’m a sucker for a little leopard spotting on these.


double-happiness t1_j69k339 wrote

That's essentially what we call pancakes in the UK (though confusing, there are also 'Scotch Pancakes'). British pancakes can be sweet or savoury though so you don't usually include sugar, and they don't typically contain butter either AFAIK. The batter is just the same as used for Yorkshire Puddings.

Edit: those downvoting care to give any reason? My comment is essentially factual AFAIK so I'm not sure what that is all about.


Enlightened-Beaver t1_j68v3m5 wrote

You can get cleaner edges if you dilute your batter a bit more with some milk, then when you put your ladle of batter in the centre of the pan, pick it up and swirl it around so that the batter spreads evenly. I usually get about 1-1/2 turns and the edges come out perfect every time. Example shown here with photos. Use the largest non stick pan you have. I use a 14” pan. If you can’t get a good swirl it means your batter is too thick, dilute it with a bit more milk. If your crepe has too many bubble holes in it, just shake and tap your batter bowl a bit to get the air bubbles to rise to the top and break them with a spoon. Do this a few times and you should get all the air out of the batter and super smooth crepes.


Jakows t1_j69pudv wrote

I'd like this to be the standard for all food pics. Served with a side of an adorable cartoon where applicable.


Finalwaltz t1_j69wort wrote

Cutest page for a recipe book. Looks great!!


Nuntiak t1_j6a6s7k wrote

I saw this, went to my kitchen and made some. Topped them with butter and marionberry jam. Mmm mmm.

Thanks for the inspiration!


FriendoftheDork t1_j6b69q9 wrote

More eggs (3-4), replace the water with milk. Don't need the sugar (add some after if people want). Less flour to milk ratio, about 1.5 cups milk to 1 cup should do it.


Large pan, medium heat with some butter, put in enough to not cover the whole, but swirl it so it will make a thin crepe and nice soft edges. They should be soft enough to be foldable when done.


tidbitsmisfit t1_j6bdovi wrote

nope, I use this recipe too, the poster just cooked them for too long


FriendoftheDork t1_j6cfx7v wrote

It's not just about how they look, it's also about taste. The French recipes don't include water, tend to have more eggs to flour ratio and more milk to flour as well (in volume). Sugar or powdered sugar is optional (some do, some don't).


tidbitsmisfit t1_j6bdl71 wrote

I too use the first basic crepe recipe that comes up from Allrecipes in Google results


ttystikk t1_j68m41w wrote

There's a good boi waiting for his share...


slav_cunt t1_j6a70qy wrote

Wait, making crepes (european pancakes, honestly) is considered what? Its the most basic stuff you should learn, why would it be special?eggs with milk and flour? Big effin deal, fill it up with anything you like and boom, great and simple meal that will get you fed


Scuka1 t1_j693bvz wrote

Seeing how they're burned and have wonky edges, you could use a little practice. Or maybe a better recipe.

I'll just give you mine. I don't know what the differences are because I can't be bothered to convert cups to normal units.

For ~6 crepes:

- 2 eggs

- 300 ml milk

- 130 g flour

- dash of salt and sugar (skip sugar if planning to use savory stuffing)

I don't do butter.

Mix the liquid stuff (eggs and milk), whisk it until you no longer have pieces of yolk, then slowly add flour bit by bit while stirring vigorously to prevent lumps.

Get a non-stick pan, low to medium heat so you don't burn things, put in a few drops of oil or lightly coat it with butter, and use a ladle to pour the batter in (pour in the middle and swirl around to cover the pan). When you pour, make a mental note of whether it was too much or too little, and adjust the next pour accordingly. Batter should fill the entire pan so the edges serve as a perfect circle mold. Remember what's the best amount of batter in your ladle for your pan and always use that amount. If unsure about how long to cook, gently lift the edge occasionally to check for doneness. Should be golden with some light brown patches here and there.


slav_cunt t1_j6a7irf wrote

Its the most basic shit you can do at home thats not scrambled eggs, its not even worth mentioning, either you cant cook your own food or you can


slav_cunt t1_j6a7xge wrote

And people have recipes for it? Bro, its literally not even 1€ for 2-3 servings of this shit, if you fuck up, its 5 minutes to mix up a fresh batch, meanwhile, what i like to do is separate the eggs and make beaten whites that i mix up in the batter, i like the fluffiness of it, you cant replace it, still basic as sgit