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Volt11111 t1_j6c29uz wrote

That is a confusing spread, have a great meal


progun_il OP t1_j6c2dvc wrote

old pic but it was clean out the fridge day and iirc i was too drunk to go get real food.


Volt11111 t1_j6c2i37 wrote

Hell ya, that’s the best way to eat/cook


hondaridr58 t1_j6c7mj3 wrote

How old we talkin here? That's some ancient artwork on that fermented rice water can. Can't even read them hieroglyphics.


progun_il OP t1_j6c7twb wrote

it was my old apartment so somewhere between 7 and 12yrs ago.


Ianilla1 t1_j6eewk6 wrote

I was gunna say, this is like pure high or drunk meal, nothing really works together but Goddamn if it's not a tasty ride.