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MyFace_UrAss_LetsGo t1_iy3jmbl wrote

Reply to comment by Excludos in Patty melt [homemade] by JesusJugs123

You’d be surprised how many people don’t care. We sell medium and medium rare burgers where I work daily. Our beef Pattie’s aren’t freshly minced.


JennieFairplay t1_iy3pxun wrote

My work friend didn’t care until it landed her in the hospital with a very serious case of E Coli infection 😬

NO pink whatsoever in meat for me. Ever


MyFace_UrAss_LetsGo t1_iy3q1v8 wrote

Not even steak?


Drunkpanada t1_iy3r471 wrote

Steak is different from ground. Ground mixes the (possible) bacteria from the outside to the inside where it can proliferative. Steak keeps the bacteria on the outside, where it would be burned off/cooked keeping the raw inside uncontaminated


MyFace_UrAss_LetsGo t1_iy3rsdn wrote

Yep, I know, I was gonna say that to the person I replied to if they were worried about getting sick from a mid rare steak.


[deleted] t1_iy3p6mr wrote



Mk1Racer25 t1_iy3q9r1 wrote

Yeah, gotta throw the bullshit flag on this one


[deleted] t1_iy3ql26 wrote



Mk1Racer25 t1_iy3r9m1 wrote

Did you read the search results? Talked about medium rare burgers being illegal in Canada.


aSharkNamedHummus t1_iy3s0r8 wrote

Is Canada in the US?


Mk1Racer25 t1_iy40f0j wrote

The deleted post claimed that med. Rare burgers were illegal everywhere but the US. Then he tried to cute with a 'let me googlethat' , which blew up in his face


aSharkNamedHummus t1_iy468ss wrote

So they’re illegal in Canada, and they’re legal in the US, which supports their claim. I mean, I don’t see any results referencing illegality in other countries, but I have absolutely no clue how you’re inferring that it blew up in anyone’s face.


Mk1Racer25 t1_iy47bt7 wrote

Rexkat deleted all his posts, so it's a moot point


MyFace_UrAss_LetsGo t1_iy3s6dg wrote

He deleted like six comments in this thread. Like, are people that afraid to admit they’re wrong? It’s not a big deal.


Mk1Racer25 t1_iy40jwj wrote

Apparently so. I wonder if it's a Canadian thing?


MyFace_UrAss_LetsGo t1_iy3phwr wrote

Is that an actual fact that the US is the only country legally allowed to sell medium rare burgers? Sounds pretty far fetched.