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Isaaker12 t1_iuhsmr5 wrote

I'm from Spain and I've never heard of a Basque cheesecake, it looks like a normal cheesecake to me. What's different about it?

(also kudos, it looks amazing)


uchoom t1_iuhzcpx wrote

Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I believe it was created by the chef at la vina in San Sebastian. The cake has heavy cream as well as cream cheese so it has a lighter, smooth, custardy texture.


Disheveled_Monk t1_iuia7q9 wrote

Best meal of my life there on my honeymoon, cannot recommend highly enough.


uchoom t1_iujvc5u wrote

Eat pintxos till you can't move for lunch have a nap on the beach, wake up and do it again for dinner.


dkysh t1_iuhur1l wrote

Es un invento reciente de un cocinero vasco. Está crudita por dentro y quemada por fuera.


dailycyberiad t1_iui5z8z wrote

No sé si diría que es reciente. La tarta de queso de La Viña lleva años ya siendo famosa. Es una receta moderna, pero no la llamaría reciente.


Jazzlike-Republic-58 OP t1_iuhvfts wrote

The difference I tasted was that this variation of cheesecake is a lot creamier than other types I've tried. I believe this is because it's normally cooked at a temperature that is a lot higher than a normal cheesecake, therefore nearly burning the outside while the center remains less cooked


tetraourogallus t1_iui9ml1 wrote

Loads of countries have their own versions of cheesecake so it's hard to say what a "normal" cheesecake is.


BlackHole6Cut t1_iui1lve wrote

There's no biscuit base like most cheesecakes. I've made one before and it is still one of the best things I've ever made.


Scheerhorn462 t1_iuij9f4 wrote

It's originally from La Vina in San Sebastian, but now a bunch of the pintxo bars have it. I had it at La Vina and a couple of other places when we visited Spain earlier this year. But honestly, the ones I've made at home (I use the Bon Appetit recipe) are better than theirs. It's super creamy and the burnt/carmelized outside is basically a savory crust. I don't generally go for cheesecake but this one is special.


that_one_wierd_guy t1_iuid1g8 wrote

it's also called a burnt cheesecake, because of the browning on top. basically just a simple baked cheesecake that doesn't require a water bath


Juts t1_iuie1ab wrote

No crust. It's baked hot to caremelize the outside. They tend to rise and then collapse in the middle


strinedyn t1_iuk9k19 wrote

It is crustless, has something to stabilize it a little more such as flour( or I use corn starch to keep gluten away) and is baked off at a higher temperature without a water bath. The final product is highly caramelized, looking burnt when done correctly, but picks up a roasted marshmallow flavor.