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heidimark t1_jcr6lgi wrote

Add a little oyster sauce and finish with a dash of toasted sesame oil.


r3dditr0x t1_jcshk3q wrote

Oyster sauce is a life-altering hack.

Sesame oil too. But especially the oyster sauce.


lolkoala67 t1_jcuakk1 wrote

Any subs for vegetarian instead of oyster sauce?


ParaponeraBread t1_jcuhlkw wrote

You could use vegetarian oyster sauce?


r3dditr0x t1_jcuq0sl wrote

I think Amazon has a few brands that are vegan.

I can't vouch for them personally but I know I can sautee any vegetable with onions, garlic, and oyster sauce and it always, always works.