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BigbooTho t1_je6q7o0 wrote

Yeah I’m going to let a hoard of Reddit monsters that probably read 5% of this exchange and thought about less than that play morality judge for me. To make stringy bacon and british bacon, something you pretty much have to buy from a butcher to have both options as a choice in the respective countries of interest, the butcher has to prepare different pieces of meat during the butchering process. They butcher it differently. They’re the butcher. I literally had a whole ass conversation with a local butcher about this as I was trying to acquire British bacon for a lotr full English breakfast party. If you ever needed to wonder why mob mentality is scary look no further than this absurd exchange.


HasturDragon t1_je6qke7 wrote

You’re on the internet, if you wanna bitch about mob mentality you might want to find a better hill to die on.

Clearly you’re having a bad day so I’m just gonna repeat what I said before.

I hope it gets better.
