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bucketassrabbit t1_jdxxrdk wrote

Reply to comment by _W1T3W1N3_ in [i ate] Pho by nomaddopamine

fyi, Phò is actually the word for prostitute. Phở is what you’re looking for. or you don’t need to add an accent, we can understand!

i find it so funny when i see foreigners make that mistake on this word, though i love it.


_W1T3W1N3_ t1_jdxyr6g wrote

Had no idea. I knew it was the ở character but it doesn’t show up on my keyboard. I often look up online to cut&paste the correct form of words but I could have sworn I saw ò used elsewhere. I also didn’t know no one? minds if it’s unaccented. I would have thought it would be more annoying to not have at least some accent indicated. So that is good insight about sensibilities. And then there are our sensibilities too you know. I call people out on mistakes all the time so I will give you a pass.


bucketassrabbit t1_jdy3qtg wrote

yeah you’re good! Viet people love curiosity, so we will make fun of you for it for shits and giggles but we don’t care. we were taught growing up to eliminate all accents on our words when presenting them in a foreign language, so when in doubt, no accent is absolutely fine.

edit: and i have seen people open a viet restaurant but put Phò in their name.