Recent comments in /f/explainlikeimfive

evedgebah t1_jeh2zbq wrote

Benzodiazepines have a nonlinear respiratory suppression curve. It plateaus. This means that for many people (not all) it's exceptionally difficult to cause terminal respiratory suppression with benzos alone. Everyone's threshold is different though, and that death line can be moved by other factors, such as combining with opioids, alcohol, or other respiratory suppressants.


eburton555 t1_jeh2tsk wrote

A DNR is very specific medical orders. What you’re talking about is more vague than that. If you have a DNR they will NOT resuscitate you no matter the cause or opinions of the medical professionals. Your wish is to not be resuscitated medically and they honor that. Your heart stops and they can’t and won’t do anything. Based on your feelings you do Not want a DNR but should write up a living will and make instructions for your next of kin or whomever you want to have power over these decisions about what threshold you’re willing to go to and what you do or do not want them to do.


Tizzee88 t1_jeh2gpi wrote

This is one of those things where once you get it you are going to be like "oh duh...". Ok so lets say you own a business, you are going to have a lot of money coming in from providing services/goods (revenue) as well as money going out paying workers, operating costs, and raw materials (expenses). So when you look at the cash flow to the business you are going to have a bunch of money coming in and money going out, but what is important is to know how much money you actually have. So when you "balance the books" you take all of the money coming in, you add it to what you already had, and then you subtract how much you have paid out. This gives you how much money you currently have.


myfapaccount_istaken t1_jeh26ov wrote

The genomind help with some of the drug interactions I have having. I have also having a hard time staying awake even w/o drugs but sleeping ok, but not narcolepsy (sp) Turns out I needed a specific type of b vitamin and but my body didn't process it so I had to get a special compound and while it's a bit $ I feel loads better.

I've only seen shrinks order it but I'm sure some GPs do as well. THey do a sliding scale since it's usually not covered by insurance. I was making like 45k and it only ran me like $60


manwhorunlikebear t1_jeh1rqc wrote

As many of the other commenters are saying it is a sequence of numbers where the next number is given by the sum of the previous two numbers starting with 0, 1 (then; 0 + 1 = 1, then 1 + 1 = 2, then 1 + 2 = 3, then 2 + 3 = 5 ...)

You see the number chain occur naturally many places in nature in the development of seeds or leaves in plants, where the number of seeds or leaves in layers occur as fibonacci sequences, e.g. one layer has 3 leaves, the next has 5, next has 8 so on.

On a funny side note, you can also use it to approximate conversion of miles and kilometers, as 2 miles is approximately 3 km, 3 miles is approximately 5 km


halpless2112 t1_jeh118g wrote

I got downvoted on r/spaceporn because I replied to someone who said “this galaxy is the Fibonacci sequence.” When I asked how, it made the folks there upset lol. They would Just post the sequence of numbers, which is obviously not an explaination.

Left the fuck outta that sub. Pics are cool, but r/astrophotography is waaaaay better, and less filled with morons