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MrM_37 OP t1_j6i1w99 wrote

I feel like it might be the taste too, I don't think most people would as excited to eat mashed/boiled potatoes as they would be for french fries because it doesn't taste as good and perhaps the amount of salt added to the french fries make people crave for more


SevenIsNotANumber2 t1_j6idf3f wrote

> I don't think most people would as excited to eat mashed/boiled potatoes as they would be for french fries because it doesn't taste as good

I disagree


valeyard89 t1_j6if2yp wrote

Sure, if you add enough potatoes to your cream and butter....


Bgratz1977 t1_j6iop9x wrote

me too, French fries taste better with some kinds of meat, during mashed potatoes taste better with Fishsticks and other stuff.


fescil t1_j6ijey1 wrote

I disagree. I think boiled tatties feel much more wholesome and appetizing than the puffed up fry.