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Jiopaba t1_j6l88m0 wrote

After learning this, I tried the trick myself a few times on late night trips to the bathroom. I can navigate my bedroom fine in the dark, and I'd close one eye before turning on the light.

It worked surprisingly great, though it gave me an oddly unbalanced feeling. I'd compare it to vertigo maybe? The eye that I kept closed/covered could still see perfectly fine when I turned off the lights and opened it again. The other eye couldn't see squat. I think it messed with my depth perception a bunch, because I was basically blind in one eye.


forehead2k t1_j6ljv62 wrote

I do the same thing for the same reason as you. Only difference is that when I turn off the light I close the bright-adjusted eye and rely solely on the dark-adjusted eye. Keeping them both open after turning the lights off messes with my head and lack of depth perception isn’t a huge trouble for a quick trip to the bathroom.

On the handful of occasions where I am in the dark for longer, I will open both eyes after a minute or so.


Abbot_of_Cucany t1_j6lep6z wrote

I just have a night-light in my bathroom, aimed towards the toilet. That way I never have to turn on the main bathroom light at night.