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Art_Z_Fartzche t1_j63cs95 wrote

Why don't you replace the word "annexed" with "invaded", and consider how ridiculous that euphemism sounds? Russia had no more justification invading Ukraine in 2014 than they did in 2022; the only difference was that they received a relative slap on the wrist from the international community for seizing chunks of another sovereign nation, which Putin and Russia have since interpreted as a fait accompli, and a justification for endless expansion into former Soviet territory. Ukraine today, tomorrow Moldova, Georgia, the Baltics, Finland, etc.

Just because Putin has brainwashed his own populace into buying this bullshit narrative doesn't mean the rest of the world is in any way obligated to respect or go along with their delusions.

As someone citing "modern history" as a pretext, Ukraine gave up former Soviet nukes stationed there 30 years ago in exchange for security guarantees from Russia. Putin is the global equivalent of some douchebag schoolyard bully who repeatedly slaps you with your own hand, while yelling "why you hitting yourself?".

I'm sure that if you lived in Ukraine. saw your own people brutally killed in attacks clearly targeting civilians, and weren't some tankie quisling, you'd want Putin dead and gone yesterday too.