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WeDriftEternal t1_j5hmp0k wrote

No legal issues in just making a comparison or mentioning another brand, as long as you don't say intentionally damaging and false claims, like saying Michelob makes you a cannibal. Sometimes they simply don't want to advertise their competition.

A side note though, if you are the category leader, like say Coke over Pepsi -- you NEVER, ever mention your competitor. You are the champ, they are nothing to you, you don't mention them,

If you're not the cateogry leader, you can and often do call out others in the industry to say why your product is better than them. That is, Pepsi will say its better than coke, but Coke will never mention pepsi


Dirty_Quesadilla t1_j5hq2b9 wrote

I think anyone who drinks Michelob is likely a cannibal.


Iamapartofthisworld t1_j5hzbub wrote

TIL drinking Michelob turns you into a cannibal


grumblyoldman t1_j5i9cuw wrote

Now I kinda want to tour a Michelob brewery to see how it's made. But at the same time, I think that might be a bad idea.


aegroti t1_j5jadj4 wrote

They give out tours as you're the secret ingredient.


HalfManHalfManatee t1_j5jst97 wrote

The tours are free and easy to take. But do you know anyone who's come back from one to tell you about it? Nope me neither.


Aldeobald t1_j5kleep wrote

Cannibal juice. And barley


Alternative-Sea-6238 t1_j5lvu1e wrote

Why not enjoy the experience of a great tasting beer without the hangover the next day? Why not savour the refreshing and crisp malt barley flavour as much as you want without worrying about having to get a taxi home? Michelob. Awesome beer. Alcohol free. (Warning, not suitable for vegetarians or people with haemochromatosis).


Binsky89 t1_j5k36nw wrote

Have you tried their cactus lime, though? I've been sober for 2 years with no real ceavings, but I really miss one of those after a day of working outside.


thatistoomany t1_j5k79fu wrote

Well done. Two years is a monumental achievement.


Binsky89 t1_j5kezvu wrote

While I appreciate it, it's not a monumental achievement for me.

I like to say that sober me is not an alcoholic, but tipsy me is. I have no problem at all not drinking, but if I start I have a hard time stopping. It's just easier for me to not drink than to try to practice moderation.

I say this to point out that I haven't faced the same struggles quitting that true alcoholics do.


thatistoomany t1_j5lz27h wrote

Fair enough. I went to rehab for drug use and have passed two years but it was terribly difficult at times and still can be. The people trying to deal with alcohol issues at the treatment centre I was at went through hell and I always feel for them and their struggle.

I just thought a good pat on the back might help as you worked through your recovery.

Glad you’re doing well either way.


Jpro325 t1_j5kul0e wrote

How old are you? If you’re still young keep an eye on that.


alexjaness t1_j5mbbiq wrote

yeah, but your conflating correlation with causation. Anyone who willingly drinks Michelob is already a cannibal.


mfncraigo t1_j5ifrtk wrote

I think Miller Lite got in trouble a few years back, for running an ad campaign warning that competitors contained GHT. This was just a joke about how they spelled light, but they were forced to pull the commercials.


JpnDude t1_j5jdryr wrote

>A side note though, if you are the category leader, like say Coke over Pepsi -- you NEVER, ever mention your competitor. You are the champ, they are nothing to you, you don't mention them,

Yup. I can't remember any Coca-Cola commercials with Pepsi even hinted at. At the same time, Pepsi has had tons directly aimed at Coke. Anyone remember the Pepsi Challenge campaigns?


knarcissist t1_j5jzhab wrote

This reminds me how petty and desperate the Apple commercials were.


NotAPreppie t1_j5jbsbf wrote

They also call out “leading brand” to obfuscate who they are comparing their product to.

Harbor Freight did (does?) this with their Hercules brand or Bauer brands (forget which). The comparison images on the package make you think they’re comparing them to Dewalt or Milwaukee. However, if you read the fine print, they’re actually comparing to their other low-end in-house brand.


(language warning, dude's pretty foul-mouthed).


SlimLovin t1_j5jnxrt wrote

Marvel used to do this a bunch, but they were mostly doing it for fun. They referred to other brands of comics as, "The Distinguised Competition."


Aksds t1_j5jwdd4 wrote

Same goes with Apple and Samsung/the rest of the phone industry, apple often pretends they are the only company in the world, often comparing to themselves and not competition. Samsung on the other hand has made entire series on bashing apple


Admirable-Nature2816 t1_j5joybw wrote

> like saying Michelob makes you a cannibal.

You will receive a letter from my lawyer. Unless you pay me 5 dozens of beer.


GoodGoodGoody t1_j5hv0r3 wrote

You see this with Putin and Trump. They play the part of ‘industry leader’ by never using opponents real names. This of course only makes them look insecure and frightened.


WeDriftEternal t1_j5hv7kc wrote

I don't think this is at all a good comparison. Politics and especially highly unusual people such as the ones you mentioned don't necessarily follow the same rules as generic branding and advertising concepts


GoodGoodGoody t1_j5hwplq wrote

Which is why I said it made them look silly. Trump and Putin are marketers. But the political product is different from soap and cars.


WeDriftEternal t1_j5hwrkp wrote

No. Its just a bad comparison that should not be used.


GoodGoodGoody t1_j5hycr5 wrote

Ok. Noted.

Anyhow, to expand in Trump and Putin’s practice if never properly identifying or acknowledging political foes…


Deanisgawd t1_j5j7h6a wrote

Trump wouldn’t stop talking about his opponents. This is a terrible example.


GoodGoodGoody t1_j5l5f81 wrote

But seldom by name. Always by his own nicknames for them.