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IAmXlxx t1_j5g020q wrote

Paul Ekman is a psychologist famous for his research on body language/nonverbal communication. He found that there are at least several "universal" emotions and corresponding facial expressions, like anger, sadness, joy, disgust, etc. However, there are thousands of expressions our facial muscles can produce, and it's probable that we learn at least a few of them from our environments and cultures.


unparent t1_j5jkoe9 wrote

Came here to mention Ekman. I do CG facial animation for a living, and his work is one of the bibles of the craft. As a side effect, you learn too much about facial features and expressions, and you can read people through micro-expressions and subconscious communications which is a double edged sword. It's pretty dumbed down, but the show "Lie to Me" shows a lot of this.