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AngryBlitzcrankMain t1_j64u08w wrote

They correct it to make sense, but its hard to draw a line for when this stuff still makes sense and when it starts breaking the suspension of disbelief. It doesnt even have to be different language. All american group in america has sentence "His english is pretty good for a foreigner". What do you do if you dub the movie? Do you keep the English, despite they all obviously speaking in the dubbed language, or do you change it, but those making a strange situation when company of Americans are talking about speaking completely foreign language in their country?

There is a scene in Saving Private Ryan where two of the characters speak Czech. Because I saw the movie dubbed in Czech as a teenager, I had no idea, because they changed their language to something else (honestly cant even remember what language it was).


mugenhunt t1_j64u14c wrote

It depends on the movie. They might instead rewrite it so that the character is speaking French or Italian instead, choosing something else that might make sense but keep the same concept. They might change the dialogue to not have any mention of a different language. This has been handled many ways over the years by different translators.


Away-Reading t1_j64u8jt wrote

No, they don’t switch the languages. They may, however, choose to have an actor dub over a foreign language portion as well to ensure the voice remains consistent. M

For example, if a there is a line in German and the whole movie is being dubbed in German, they might have the voice actor say the line — but it’ll still be in German. That way the original actor’s voice doesn’t cut through and confuse audiences.


Slash1909 t1_j64uqwt wrote

It depends on the distribution company. Sometimes they’ll just leave it in the original foreign language and add subtitles.

Eg: if you watch the Jack Ryan series on Amazon Prime its primary language is English. If you watch it in a foreign language, say German then all of the English dialog is translated in German. Now the show has Arabic and Spanish dialog which are left in the original languages and German subtitles are automatically displayed.


breckenridgeback t1_j64uv1t wrote

It varies - TVTropes has a long list of examples. One common convention when media is made in language A and uses language B, then gets translated into language B, is to translate language A to language B and language B to some other language. For example, the TVTropes page lists an anime example where an English teacher in the original Japanese becomes a Spanish teacher in the English dub, which is roughly equivalent in terms of the role they'd play in a character's life (they teach a language most people are familiar with but might not actually speak fluently).

Sometimes it's even inconsistent within a work. They list a French dub of Pearl Harbor that translates English to French, but leaves Japanese as Japanese (which would align with the experience as created for English-speaking audiences, who would have understood the English bits but not the Japanese bits).

See also their pages on cultural translation or Woolseyism, where a work isn't even translated directly, but is instead translated to keep the same feelings, sense, or audience reaction.


Cumberbatchland t1_j64yn6m wrote

Where I live, only cartoons (childrens shows) are dubbed, and then the voice actor will just speak in my language and put on a dumb accept.

(So the person sounds like they are a foreigner trying to speak my language. )

Like they did with Pepe Le Pew:


Chazmer87 t1_j64w4t7 wrote


The same type of ai that Snapchat filters use.


FranksRedWorkAccount t1_j64zwhu wrote

There's a show out now on netflix called Sisyphus, set in south korea. A central focus of it is immigration (kind of) and so in the english dub they make a big point of asking some of the people if they can speak english or saying that a character speaks english so probably isn't an immigrant. It's humous because it doesn't make sense but is relatively unique given the topic.


Flair_Helper t1_j65erai wrote

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