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paquer t1_j68een5 wrote

Reply to comment by Adghar in ELI5: How does ChatGPT work? by Zurbinjo

You forgot to add in the censorship , and ideological parameters.

Does it just have a database of things it has to conform to / things it’s supposed to ignore?

ie most historical texts and all biology textbooks up to year x would tell you that men cannot get pregnant or menstruate. But in 2023, wouldn’t chatgpt tell you a man can menstruate and get pregnant?

And how does it deal with input data known to be false / lies?

Would it tell you George santos is a Jew”ish” black Hispanic male who’s family avoided the holocaust via being born as white Christians in South America?


ixtechau t1_j68fka5 wrote

You’re gonna be downvoted to oblivion for raising this issue but you are 100% correct in the biases of machine learning. We will only ever hear about the biases the mainstream is interested in though (e.g. face scanners not triggering on people with dark skin), and they will intentionally ignore anything that furthers their perceived reality.