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drunk_haile_selassie t1_j6lvxh4 wrote

The rules for Catholics have lapsed quite a lot over time. They used to not be allowed to eat meat on any Friday. Now its just Good Friday.


NetworkLlama t1_j6lxfia wrote

This is where McDonald's Filet-O-Fish came from. McDonald's fanchisee Lou Coen came up with the idea. McDonald's founder Ray Kroc wasn't convinced and devised a Hula Burger (grilled pineapple with cheese) as an alternative and challenged Coen to a competition. The highest-selling product would win.

The Filet-O-Fish won handily, selling 350 to...some very small number that Ray Kroc wouldn't admit. It was reportedly the first ever addition to the McDonald's menu. It was a huge hit among Catholics after that.


gwaydms t1_j6lykxe wrote

Our local Catholic churches have Friday fish fries during Lent. Fish and chips/fries, hushpuppies, maybe cole slaw or potato salad. You don't have to be Catholic to pick up a plate. As Episcopalians we observe Lent also, and some of those churches have great fried fish.