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_Freakout_ t1_j1n9fa9 wrote

As far as I know, it's just bubbles of Nitrogen gas. When you crack your knuckles, the bubble bursts into tiny bubbles, making a cracking noise. The gas is still there in the joints, but because it's in the form of many tiny bubbles, your knuckles don't crack. If you sit around for a while, those many bubbles reform back into a big bubble and you can crack your knuckles again.

Don't take my word for it though - I'm not an expert. I have read about it and this is what I remember off the top of my head.


BridgetBardOh t1_j1na31j wrote

Your recollection matches mine, which is at about the same level of knowledge as yours.


greatdrams23 t1_j1nc0v8 wrote

Yes, you can crack your knuckles by holding them out straight and pulling/stretching them.


DiabeticPissingSyrup t1_j1nf9bj wrote

Ask and the internet shall provide. Basically, nitrogen bubbles.


Amicus93 OP t1_j1nfn85 wrote

Vary nice, thanks for hookin me up to the watch! Still don’t understand where tha gasses go tho from the video I probably missed it


DiabeticPissingSyrup t1_j1ngetg wrote

Ah. Add I understand it. The gas forms tiny bubbles. When you crack your knuckles they "burst" and the had disperses. It then takes time to create the little pockets again.