Submitted by ThreesomeInk t3_zv8ii7 in explainlikeimfive

I know how male circumcisions work and also don't know the pros and cons of that but what does one 'circumcise' with a female. Best guess is the labia but like, why? Is it a sex thing (like how some doctors will offer males the whole tighting of the uterus in some circumstances after I think birth or something)? Idk



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Kemel90 t1_j1nqjrw wrote

Labia and clit get cut off, and labia sewn shut. Why? Just like with men, religious zealots mutilating kids so they can feel better rhan the rest.


Ravioverlord t1_j1nrhjl wrote

As the other replier said, it mainly happens in countries where women's rights are far less. They don't want women to have any chance at pleasure/control over their sex organs.

Just fyi, you cannot 'tighten' a uterus. That is fully internal.


Lunacat247 t1_j1nx04u wrote

So there are several different "levels" of female circumcision, the least invasive is the removal of the clitoral hood, which is most analogous to male circumcision. The most invasive procedure involves the complete removal of the clitorus and labia, and the vagina is almost completely sewn shut aside from a small hole to allow for her period to bleed through. Like I said, there are many levels and each level is indicative of a different procedure.

As for why its done, there's no supposed health benefit to it like male circumcision (whether there is any actual health benefit to male circumcision is a whole different question, but supposedly it decreases the risk of infection) and its primarily done to control women and ensure they receive no pleasure from sex


pseudonymmed t1_j1pbuf0 wrote

It varies, different places have different practices, but it can often include removing the clitoris and some even sew the entrance to the vagina up (to be opened up later for her husband). The former is done to reduce female desire/pleasure so she won’t be unfaithful and the latter is done to ensure her virginity for her husband. it can be done on infants but is often performed on children or preteens. it can cause a lot of dangerous and painful effects.


Uledragon456k t1_j1qryws wrote

the husband stitch? from what I understand it happens fairly frequently (at least in the us). I saw a post like two days ago with a woman who was given a husband stitch without consent after giving birth


C4-BlueCat t1_j1r45ci wrote

In some places, sweing up to vagina (leaving a small opening for menstrual blood) is seen as a way to prevent rape by making it too difficult to perform intercourse.


Knowitallkyle t1_j1ru2fw wrote

Incorrect. The clitourious is what grows into a penis after a fetus has been androgenized. Cultures that remove the clit are removing the equivalent of cutting off a males penis. Several cultures practice this as said. You sir or madam don’t have a clue what you are talking about.


AryaBarzan t1_j1sdz47 wrote

You’re incorrect. The clitoris is equivalent to the glans (head of the penis), not the entire penis. The rest of the penis would be equivalent to the vaginal canal. Let’s test your knowledge… how many types of female circumcision are prevalent?

Please tell again that “I do not know what I’m talking about”.