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tpb772000 OP t1_iuj5ugc wrote

So nothing changed. And they are still doing this?


tmahfan117 t1_iuj6uve wrote

Nothing drastic changed, no, is the CIA and/or NSA still harvesting American’s data? Almost certainly.


limpingdba t1_iujdp6t wrote

They basically just imposed a load of legislation to make it actually legal, provided it was done under certain circumstances, and also by essentially spying on other allied country's people and sharing the information as part of the "Five Eyes". UK passed the "snoopers charter" and the US passed the "patriots act" and all of a sudden its now legal and they don't have to tell you anything about it.


GroinShotz t1_iuj9bel wrote

Oh... Things changed... Just tighter lockdowns on what could be leaked... Probably some more clearance levels and shit...

But yea... They are still spying on you... Probably even more than what Snowden leaked.


tpb772000 OP t1_iuja0ob wrote

Sounds great, my FBI agent sure will be disappointed in me for all my searches over the years.


yuuxy t1_iuj6eir wrote

Yup. Maybe also the national security courts have more not-yet-public rulings to make it legal-er.


tpb772000 OP t1_iuj6mv6 wrote



Longjumping_Youth281 t1_iuje72m wrote

I think for some of the spying they needed to get a warrant from a judge but since it was a secret it was like a sort of secret Court. Those warrants were basically always rubber stamps and the judge said yes something like 99% of the time. I think he's saying that like from now on they will only do it 95% of the time. Maybe.

At least that's my understanding. Too lazy to look it up so I'll wait for somebody to correct me


HunterIV4 t1_iujfjt2 wrote

Basically, the FISA court (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court) has a classified ruling that spying on American citizens by the NSA was totally legit because...reasons. That you are not allowed to know. That where (and still are) probably not constitutional, but they're going to do it anyway.

Don't think too hard about the fact that your government is spying on you, that nobody has seen the inside of a jail after mass theft of American assets in 2008, that we are engaged is massive spending to foreign governments while US citizens struggle to buy food and gas, etc.

Instead, be very afraid of Jan 6/BLM/Trump/Antifa/whatever. Those are the issues that really matter. /s