Submitted by strongr_togethr t3_yh05fu in explainlikeimfive
Submitted by strongr_togethr t3_yh05fu in explainlikeimfive
Countries like to make sure you can support yourself independently when visiting, and have a way to get back home.
I dont know the exact requirements but the reason is to prevent unauthorized workers. If you're coming here on vacation then you should have money to afford it. Otherwise they feel you're lying to come and work with family or whoever's here already.
Yup as other said. Even with a visa many countries (including Canada and Australia) will deny entry if sufficient funds aren't found. They actually show this in border force shows on nat geo. It's one of the more common reasons to return a citizen to their country of origin, including obvious illegal work plans, and trafficking of any sort.
A lot of the time it's a red flag that you may be doing something illegal to come and go so fast, as well as if something happened (be it medical emergency, a weather event, or other types of disasters) as they can't be planned for. If you had no money you'd end up a transient in their economy with no help and would strain their economy.
Countries don't want people on tourist visa to stay or work there.
So they keep a list of how much it cost per day to live there and how much it will cost you to get back to your country.
They will use it to calculate the amount you need to afford your stay and get back home. They also generally expect/want you to spend extra so they add more money on top of that.
That's how they got the minimum amount you need to have.
It's not something exclusive to the US. It's pretty common practice around the world.
It depends on where you're coming from and it's basically to ensure that you will be able to support yourself as a tourist and not get kicked out of a for non-payment.
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[deleted] t1_iubc5c4 wrote