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Lonely_whatever t1_iucrvvg wrote

Inalmostallcasesitispossibletoreadwithoutbreaks. Not very convenient but I think operators would get used to. So why did they not skip it? Or is it not time critical?

I guess I am thinking from the modern Era perspective where we are trying to compress data/time to send as much as possible


asking--questions t1_iuct12z wrote

The issue isn't deciphering where the words end, but which letters are being used. Etsborlaekdascas,wyshishedr. Yes, an experienced operator can guess from the context, but it will slow things down.


frenchtoaster t1_iud74bt wrote

The thing with morse is that there's gaps between each letter and if you can't tell where those are you are screwed because:

.- is A . is E

  • is T

anotherSeggsOffender t1_iudjhj3 wrote

Your formatting is off

- is T

>!use a \ to “cancel” the formatting Reddit uses. \ - makes a dash!<


fd4e56bc1f2d5c01653c t1_iue4d4k wrote

Well here's an example: analbumcover. What is it?


ohnoitsthefuzz t1_iuebo1f wrote

I'll take The rapists for $600


CyberSibey t1_iuffh1x wrote

Alex Trebek: Yeah, it was a trick question, Mr. Connery. Why don’t you pick a category?

Sean Connery: I’ve got to ask you about the Penis Mightier.

Alex Trebek: What? No. No, no, that is The Pen is Mightier.


STAMP_ON_MY_BALLS t1_iueak5u wrote

🤣 I am sure I remember alan davis and stephen fry doing a bit on QI due to analbumcover