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aresyves OP t1_jegeiih wrote

Thanks for this! I have another question based on what u/ejpierle said above. Now that we all agreed on marbles as the currency to trade for toys, what happens to toy trades if I create or aka print more marbles?


ThatsTooOP t1_jegf5x4 wrote

If you print more marbles in the toy trading game, their value decreases. Similarly, if a country prints more currency for trading, its value decreases, leading to inflation. In the case of oil trading, if the US prints more dollars, the dollar's value may decrease, and other countries may find a different currency to use for oil trading or create their own.


Kelend t1_jegikzy wrote

> what happens to toy trades if I create or aka print more marbles?

Nothing. You can just keep making/printing more marbles with no ill effects. Some people will claim this causes "inflation", but its not true.


BigPawh t1_jegwrwi wrote

This take is very against the grain and I'd like to hear further explanation if you don't mind