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GalFisk t1_jdzgxvv wrote

I've taken sodium bicarbonate as an antacid in a pinch. It tastes metallic and slightly soapy. I don't know if that's common between all alkalis though, because I don't have any other edible ones.


itijara t1_jdzl107 wrote

Usually bitter, although it is not as universal as acidic foods tasting sour. Many types of plants produce alkaline compounds to prevent being eaten and these are usually very bitter. If you have ever had a baked good with too much baking soda you may have also noticed a bitter flavour.


nim_opet t1_jdznta8 wrote

Take a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate, dissolve in a cup of water, taste. It tastes bland, somewhat bitter and mineraly. You have tasted it every time you thought a glass of water tastes “hard” or “flat”.


jtroopa t1_jdzpifg wrote

Generally bitter. From what I’ve read, bitter taste appears to be an evolution-driven reaction to avoiding poisonous substances. There are a number (not sure what percentage though) of naturally occurring alkaline substances that are toxic to us.


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