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lukeworldwalker t1_jdwzvvt wrote

The rule is that “a” goes before a word starting with a consonant. And “an" goes before a word starting with a vowel.

BUT the rules follows the phonetic pronunciation NOT the spelling.

some examples with pronunciation in [brackets]

"a" + consonant (both in spelling and pronunciation)

  • a cat [k]
  • a dog [d]
  • a purple onion [p]
  • a buffalo [b]
  • a big apple [b]

"a" + vowel that is pronounced like a consonant

  • a European [ˌjʊɚ...] say: a juropean
  • a one-legged man [ˈwan] say: a won-legged man
  • a union [ˈjuːn.jən] say: a junion)

"an" + vowel (both in spelling and pronunciation)

  • an apricot
  • an egg
  • an orbit
  • an uprising

"an" before consonant that is pronounced like w vowel

  • an honorable person [ˈɒnəɹəbl̩] say: an onorable person)
  • an honest error [ˈɒnɪst] say: an onest error