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BaconReceptacle t1_ja8r2fw wrote

Our lungs are composed of little tiny sacks for absorbing oxygen called alveoli. When you’re breathing normally, the small air sacs in your lungs can sometimes collapse spontaneously. This can negatively affect lung function and reduce the gas exchange that occurs there.

These involuntary deep breaths or sighs help to prevent the alveoli from collapsing because it’s such a big breath, it serves to reinflate most of your alveoli.


CorporalOtter t1_jaaiyqj wrote

I’ve seen baseball pitchers often take a deep breath before they pitch. It’s clear that their deep breath is relieving pressure or tension. It seems to function similarly in OP’s “out of nowhere” state. For me, it seems to relieve stress… like a deep sigh. Something of a ‘relaxation reset’.