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breckenridgeback t1_jadtkxm wrote

> And keep them under control. Not at all.

Uh, the world has actually put a huge amount of energy into stopping nuclear proliferation (the term for new countries acquiring nuclear weapons).

Only eight countries are currently believed to have working nuclear weapons. In order of development, they are:

  • the US (1945)
  • Russia (1949)
  • UK (1952)
  • France (1960)
  • China (1964)
  • Israel (sometime in the 1960s or 1970s; unlike the other states on this list Israel does not admit that they have nukes)
  • India (1974)
  • Pakistan (1998)
  • North Korea (2006)

(South Africa also once had them, and would appear on this list somewhere near Israel or India, but South Africa voluntarily disarmed and no longer possesses nuclear weapons.)

No new state has been added to this list in almost 20 years.


rwkgaming t1_jadu9wd wrote

I wasn't really talking about acquisition. More so the use.

And that kinda feels like some bullshit that noone else has but hey the better. Point still stands, the main control is not wanting to be blown up aswel.