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nmxt t1_jac7nak wrote

The site tracks the movement of the mouse cursor when you are clicking that button, and there are specific ways in how humans move the mouse that can be analyzed and recognized.


wpmason t1_jac8bgm wrote

And if on a touchscreen?


AffectionateCan99 t1_jac9awi wrote

Theres about a million other things they factor in. How fast did you click or touch for example


MaxGuide t1_jadpst9 wrote

How long did you hold your finger in the screen?

How accurate was your click position?

Was it at several points, like a finger would, or a very tiny selected pixel?

All those are clumpt into human-like misses or bot-driven commands.


chefranden t1_jad5dqz wrote

Seems like one could just teach the robot to move like a human.


ShankThatSnitch t1_jae1bhk wrote

This is not the answer. I believe it d9es use that as one metric, but what you don't realize is that when you click that box, it is giving Google consent to scan your history and analyze it for human like patterns. If your history is repeated attempts at sites trying to download this or that, or whatever a bot might be set to do, then it would block. Bur if you browsed reddit, then hopped on Amazon, and google the definition of conalingus l, then watched YouTube, the algo would know you are human.