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i_do_too_ t1_j3e0q70 wrote

Good CV overall, I'd decrease the number of personal projects and increase the space allocated to experience. This is probably contrary to what you have heard, but you go for full time roles, you should put experience first and then education. I say this because you have good experience and you wouldn't want to join at entry level, but at least L4. For that, you should promote your experience.


ASalvail t1_j3dxr6l wrote

It looks a bit crammed, so I'd ditch the summary. I never read those anyway and if I can't tell at a glance what you've worked on, something is wrong. If you want to keep it, I would emphasize which sub branch of AI you're interested and/or specialized in.

I would emphasize that full-time industry experience: that'll tell me I won't need to show you how to work in a team and that mnist isn't the usual dataset quality you should expect. Do point out it's full-time. You can deduce it from the dates but I typically look at CVs for max 1 min for initial triage.

Otherwise it looks pretty great!


soicyboii t1_j3d1v2c wrote

Dude your cv is great


bitemenow999 t1_j3e5jms wrote

I would suggest changing the publications to the standard format, nobody needs to know what journal/platform all of them are bad... Also drop PhD from the prof. name, they are assumed to have a Phd by default. Drop "selected" from selected projects.


Blasket_Basket t1_j3h24nj wrote

Move experience above education since you have significant work experience. Similarly, move the team lead CV role to the top of that section, about the research assistant roles. Recruiters want to know you have work experience first and foremost. You come across as significantly less competent/senior to recruiters if the first thing they hear about is the stuff you're doing as a grad assistant.


chengstark t1_j3dr7nw wrote

You got two “performed” in the H2X lab item. Other than that it’s great


animikhaich OP t1_j3drt4z wrote

Thank you very much for that catch!!! I so missed it! :)


Screend t1_j3g4klf wrote

Fabulous CV, well done! Am I reading it right though that you completed all of that work at Wobot in 3 days?


animikhaich OP t1_j3h0ni3 wrote


If you are talking about the date: 06/19 to 06/22, then that's in MM/YY format. So, 3 years.


HalfRiceNCracker t1_j41icup wrote

Haha nice, I was looking at your latent disentanglement paper recently. Do you have any ideas for downstream tasks related to latent disentanglement? Not entirely sure where to apply my dissertation