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mikevago t1_j3o77r8 wrote

Obviously I don't know anything about that commeter's personal history, but dollars to donuts, it's, "if I, an able-bodied white man, can make it in this country than surely anyone can!"


BlizzardArms t1_j3ob8rp wrote

They’re like “me and the majority of us who went to college…” oh you’re full of shit ok


Flyerton99 t1_j3qr7fc wrote

They worked at Goldman Sachs.

At best they suffer from massive survivorship bias.


hero_of_my_story_bl t1_j3oogge wrote

I'm a hispanic immigrant, don't give me some shit about being a "able-bodied white man". Stop making excuses for yourself. You're a loser because you're not able to plan for the future, not because of some invisible bogeyman of racism/sexism/homophobia. My being non-White has actually only been a benefit to me in my career.