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justlikeofficespace OP t1_j1t2tmn wrote

I never said this was typical (far from it!). Just a millennial, not a typical one. When I was living on my own groceries/eating out were around $150-200/month.


MarcoTheMagnificent t1_j1u6bws wrote

That’s still very low for both groceries and eating out per month. But if that works for you then great!


folstar t1_j1umups wrote

Then the title should probably read "a total outlier" instead of "a millennial". This post borders on outrage bait.


justlikeofficespace OP t1_j1uw198 wrote

Sorry, it wasn’t my intention to rub people the wrong way. Just sharing a data point. Again not representative of any group or anyone. I should have added the “living at home” part in the title.


enevetable t1_j1vys0p wrote

Yeah bruh... The living with parents part a huge savings... That can eat up 30 45% of ur income😬