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LittleBadWitch t1_j1bsmon wrote

People who don't go to college have to pay for food, transportation, and housing too. They have nothing to do with your education expenses.

If you pay $10-20k~ for food, car, apartment as a non-college student, and you become a college student... you didn't suddenly add another $10-20k in yearly educational expenses for those living expenses.

It's not an educational expense.


z06attack t1_j1bu76d wrote

While i hear what you are saying...It is an expense. If my daughter wanted to go to a top school, she needs to consider room and board. If she wanted to get it from a local community college, she would live at home..... you must provide this cost in calculations. Otherwise you are not being realistic to what it takes to attend that school


vazxlegend t1_j1d2bnz wrote

Not everyone has the option to live at home. Living at home while going to school is a privilege; and yes it saves kids money, but you as the parent are still covering their living expense.

There is nothing saying your daughter can’t be a waitress at a local restaurant and live at home too.