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malxredleader OP t1_j1b9v0s wrote

Sources: US Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)

Tools: R (data processing and analysis), Excel, QGIS

EDIT: This map is by semester not by year!

Notes: This map depicts the average cost of attending college in each US State. The data are depicted using In-State costs since most students in the United States attend college in their home state. The US Department of Education lists the costs of attending college as tuition and associated fees, room and board, ground transportation, and books and other school supplies. This map averages the cost of living on or off campus. A Title IV post-secondary institution is a college or university that participates in the federal student aid program. These institutions are highly regulated by the US Department of Education and are required to report their costs annually. This map is only based on baccalaureate (bachelor’s degree) or baccalaureate-equivalent institutions. As with all my work, I love hearing your feedback. So if you have any praise, constructive criticism or have any questions, please let me know! As always, be respectful in the comments, be kind to each life form and be kind to yourself. Happy Holidays Reddit!

P.S. I've been on hiatus from making maps since I'm currently in grad school but this one has been cooking for awhile. If you're ever looking for maps, GIS analysis or data analysis for your own projects, reach out to me and let's start a conversation!


munchi333 t1_j1bt6h7 wrote

This including private schools makes it completely disingenuous. Hardly anyone going to private schools pays full tuition and the ones the do are often from affluent parents.


Top_Pie_8658 t1_j1c2o61 wrote

Even if they wanted to include private schools it should be weighted by number of students attending each school in order to get an accurate average. Otherwise some small school with like 2,000 students charging like 40,000/year is absurdly pulling up the average from the larger state schools that charge way less


restlessmonkey t1_j1bfeeq wrote

Please advise if this is 1) By semester or 2) by year or 3) total 4-year degree cost.

My experience is it is per semester.

/a word


malxredleader OP t1_j1bg5d4 wrote

It is by semester! I apologize!


40for60 t1_j1biftr wrote

Private vs public and with our without housing/meals ext...?


malxredleader OP t1_j1bjblr wrote

Private and public and as mentioned on the map, it includes all associated costs including housing and meals


40for60 t1_j1bjpbv wrote

So many private schools have a MSRP but many students go for reduced or even free. Of course this data is so hard to obtain. TY for responding


restlessmonkey t1_j1fuf20 wrote

Father of a college kid. This is pretty spot on. And should be considered criminal that it costs $45k a year to get an education at a public school. Totally criminal. Pisses the heck out of me.


[deleted] t1_j1d1k5a wrote



malxredleader OP t1_j1e93wm wrote

I’m always working on my skills and will continue to make maps for as long as I find joy in making them. I hope you stick around to see what I make next :) But thank you for concern!


Ok_Ad_7939 t1_j1e3cff wrote

Sorry to see so many turds in here dumping on you. Good work! But a lot of the critical questions are valid. Namely private vs public and do you average by number of students at each school? Also, these numbers look like yearly numbers to me, not per semester.


malxredleader OP t1_j1e8q2v wrote

Hi everyone, thank you to everyone who left constructive feedback! As I mentioned I’m always working on improving and take these comments into consideration. It’s clear this map has ruffled feathers and I wanted it to be known that I see the points people are making. I hope people can continue to be kind to one another in the comments because that’s how healthy discussion happens. Thanks again everyone!