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landodk t1_iz04fjs wrote

I think someone needs to create an app that PTs can choose to use to share info. I think the HIPPA protections providers have on our data makes it hard to make easily accessible.

For the graphic, I think it should be flipped and consider that people read top to bottom, left to right.

maybe age bars on both sides so information is closer together.

Scales for weight, scalpel or surgeon for surgical procedures. I thought you got stabbed several times.

Regardless, I think this is a cool way of displaying medical history


chrisdancy OP t1_iz053rz wrote

I got asked about an app. That's not really my thing. That said, the simple powerpoint template seems to help folks.

Unfortunately the mods pulled this off the sub again. Not sure which rule I broke this time, but when I mention mental health, chronic illness or LGBT, things disappear here.

If I find out, I'll let you know, I appreciate your feedback.


landodk t1_iz05y9a wrote

Unfortunate, this is more attractive than what’s usually posted


chrisdancy OP t1_iz065l5 wrote

I got about 200 different doctors and nurses who sent me messages saying it was perfect for what they would want from patients.

I'm just confused about why the mods keep deleting anything I post.