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mexheavymetal t1_iwz2fwg wrote

The solution is to go nuclear- it’s the best power source we have but there are still too many people that didn’t pay attention in high school science that oppose it. And their arguments all really boil down to ‘nuclear scawy, I don’t understand it 🥺’


Itz_Volturix t1_ix0134a wrote

No the biggest argument against nuclear is, that the cost per energy unit is higher than that from renewable energy sources. Also there are no private companys that are willing to invest into nuclear power and no private insurance that would insure nuclear power. New nuclear plants are always subsidiced by governments because they bear uncalculatable risk and cost.


mexheavymetal t1_ix08jcg wrote

Citation Missing


aiicaramba t1_ix0x37o wrote

Citation is missing from 99% of claims on reddit. Why specifically focus on this one?


Full_Story t1_ix140pu wrote

Worked very well for France this year… and Germany which hat to compensate for the 50% loss of power production in France because it was too hot, their was not enough water because of a drought and lots of plants were in maintenance…


mexheavymetal t1_ix17itx wrote

And still, overall better reliability than either solar and wind, with all those problems.


t9shatan t1_ix0zfnw wrote

My biggest problems with nuclear is the waste, which sticks around for ages and no one wants to bury it near their place. And the potential of catastrophe when it's in incompetent hands.


SisyphusRocks7 t1_ix23h34 wrote

If you use a different nuclear cycle you can burn almost all the waste products. The US and former USSR optimized for plutonium production, which requires a cycle that creates more radioactive waste.