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Your_Trash_Daddy t1_iwwz55j wrote

And another false statement as an assumption, which makes everything that follows it invalid, again. You're not actually good at this, but you are wordy.

Owning guns doesn't mean they are carried. Very few of the guns owned are actually being carried around . And if you want some evidence of that, look at the number of guns owned in america, versus the number of people.


thelastpizzaslice t1_iwx12m0 wrote

>And another false statement as an assumption, which makes everything that follows it invalid, again. You're not actually good at this, but you are wordy.

Your argument has a missing reference in the form of "another false statement", so I have no idea what it even says. Your follow-up statement also has a missing reference in the form of "good at this." What is "this"?