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HoldMyDirrk OP t1_iwd0s3n wrote

Source: my life

Tools: Google Sheets + a tool I built to text me daily asking me a series of "diary" type questions and then records the answer to sheets

Goals at the top are negative goals to the left in red (want to drink less and eat less restaurant food) and positive in the middle in green (more exercise, devotionals and fasting). The rest I like to track just out of curiosity.

Not quite hitting my goals this year as it's been a tough one. (the Quality of Life pie chart is skewed by my typical optimism).

The bottom right chart is some data from my tracking of who I spend time with. These are the top 10 people and you can see a little context for who they are in relation to me.


HothHanSolo t1_iwd7e7l wrote

What do the percentages represent? Like, did you exercise on 32% of all days?


HoldMyDirrk OP t1_iwdix8w wrote

Yes, I figured that was more relevant than saying I’ve worked out 100 whatever days so far this year


HothHanSolo t1_iwdjc0e wrote

Usually you want to abstract big numbers, as you've done here. But using a percentage kind of blurs the understanding. For example, did you eat restaurant food for 63% of your meals or on 63% of days?

Because the time frame is known and familiar to people, I'd probably have gone with days.


HoldMyDirrk OP t1_iwdmuu1 wrote

Totally get that. Yeah its days. I just track how many days I do or don’t do something.


Naive-Kangaroo3031 t1_iwelm7i wrote

Might I suggest breaking down your goals into smaller time frames?
Ex: I'll work out this Monday and Wednesday at 6.


HoldMyDirrk OP t1_iwezeh2 wrote

Yeah, the goal was M/W/F plus one weekend day. I’m still doing some exercises at home but for this tracking I only count it if I did a full workout or played a sport