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leftoverinspiration t1_iwbw6dl wrote

The x-axis differences: 6k, 6k, 6k, 8k, 6k, 4k, 8k


plaindrops t1_iwc09p8 wrote


Overall it’s a great idea to visualize this way but needs come cleanup.


icywatermelons OP t1_iwc7euh wrote

Oops, it's a mistake on my part, it should have been all 6k gaps so 36k, 42k, 48k, 54k, 60k, 66k and 72k! Thanks for pointing it out! I will make a note!


RegisterThis1 t1_iwe1mj2 wrote

Nice chart. Vertical dash line with median values may be I retesting too.


Efficient_Bag_1619 t1_iwbt8bx wrote

How are both STEM and non STEM averages positive whilev overall average is negative?


[deleted] t1_iwc6f7u wrote

If the percent of people getting STEM majors went down this is possible.


iLikeFunToo t1_iweupi2 wrote

Is it possible that the median incomes went up for both stem and non stem but the average income for all data was slightly reduced?


icywatermelons OP t1_iwbfn4m wrote

Updated based on comments on a previous post!


Tools: Datawrapper and Canva

Note: percentages are rounded

Note 2: the x axis is supposed to be in gaps of 6k (36, 42, 48, 54, 60, 66, 72 and not 80!) Apologies for the mistake!


Pandagineer t1_iwc4xt8 wrote

Are the percentages CAGR (compounded annual growth rate), or the overall change for those 9 years?


LanewayRat t1_iwdriti wrote

This is just American data. You need to say what your data is in a basic statement of scope in your title — “US College Majors”.


brchelmo t1_iwc2esh wrote

Computer Engineering up, Chemical Engineering down, this shows you the shift in our society from the physical to the digital


jonny24eh t1_iwcpofx wrote

Now explain "Engineering" up, "General Engineering" down


redsoxman17 t1_iwdnxly wrote

It's been a while since I was in school, but "General Engineering" was actually a degree track. As in there were specific requirements for that degree and I presume "General Engineering" was on the diploma.

"Engineering" is likely an aggregate of all the Engineering degrees (Chem, mechanical, electrical, General, etc).


zebulon99 t1_iwd6acg wrote

Maybe Emgineering is an umbrella for all types of engineering including CS, EE and others while General Emgineering is a collection of more niche fields like aerospace or maritime engineering (aka the "physical")


marfaxa t1_iwfqzao wrote

More trains, less military trains.


bigbadbillyd t1_iwcahju wrote

flexes in international relations BA and MS


daedelous t1_iwim7sy wrote

And yet political science is a top riser. Maybe that says something about the state of politics.


EJG_Music t1_iwc069e wrote

You should at least state the inflation in the period, to contextualize those. A lot of the little blue arrows are just stagnation really.


tico_pico t1_iwckzmm wrote

Right there in the bottom left hand corner it says "all earnings have accounted for inflation."


EJG_Music t1_iwcmvib wrote

Ok thanks, but there is an asterisk next to it like if there was one above in the graph or the text that refers to it, but there were none. It's quite bizarre.


Nemissary t1_iwdbgto wrote

My degree is in Religious Studies, the lowest paid on the chart, but my career is in Computer Engineering, the highest paid on the chart. Nothing says you have to do what you went to school for, I don't think I've ever even been asked about what I studied in school in a job interview before.


KassXWolfXTigerXFox t1_iwbvh3l wrote

If both STEM and non-STEM increased by 3%, how did the overall average go down by 2%?


SecretAgentClunk t1_iwc5n8c wrote

It's possible if the overall distribution shifted more towards non-STEM. That would bring down the overall average, even if both groups independently increased.


Supercst t1_iwbn0l4 wrote

Interesting about political science. I wonder what drive the increase?


TimeOk8571 t1_iwc19zq wrote

Poli Sci major here - many with said degree go on to law school, so that may account for much of it.

I, however, ended up as a software engineer.


imregrettingthis t1_iwboquv wrote

I would assume it’s the increase in money in politics. Political scientists are political influencers


marigolds6 t1_iwc3scy wrote

There is no way this is accurate for geography majors. $50k is would bottom decile (edit: for 3-10 years experience) based on the industry surveys I regularly see (Directions Magazine, GISUser, gisjobs, etc), and large percentages of geography majors work within their major field.

Edit: I see that geography has both the 3rd highest unemployment as well as the highest coefficient of variation for unemployment by a wide margin. And far lower degree holder numbers than are estimated. I suspect the survey is using a strict definition of the geography major and excluding geographic information systems and sciences majors.


[deleted] t1_iwc6273 wrote

This is 25-29yr olds.


marigolds6 t1_iwc8dn9 wrote

Added some context above. When i said bottom decile, i was referring to the experience range for people that age. At my experience range (15-20 years), we are having to offer salaries in the $150-200k range to be competitive in hiring.


xX0LucarioXx t1_iwc3hy8 wrote

Oh so happy I chose philosophy 😓


rubenol t1_iwccwh1 wrote

No offence, but what exactly is/was your plan with that major? It’s not exactly a secret that the job prospects for that degree are bleak.


xX0LucarioXx t1_iwekq4i wrote

Can I be real with you?

Edit 1: I'll be watching for a response this is not rhetorical ^^


whiffling_waterfowl t1_iwenyla wrote

Not the original poster but I'm curious too!


xX0LucarioXx t1_iwercic wrote

It's three fold.

  1. Firstly, this just my opinion. I give the West 40 years of stability (and that's my optimistic side) - whether it'll be climate related or political tensions - I personally don't think the US will go through that time period without a civil, revolutionary, or climate war. Let alone dragging every nation into it. Again that's just my pessimism - so I was like hell, if the worlds going to shit at least coming out of the ashes I'll have an important role to play being one who studied morality, ethics, thought, astronomy, stem, and whatever else you want to fit under the umbrella that is Philosophy. I personally just think of it as the school of thought. Augustine put it so eloquently, "Whilst [scientists] study the truth, philosophers study the author of the truth" (from his Confessions if y'all wanna read). I felt as though the history of philosophy fits with this idea very well and it gave my pessimism some hope.

  2. Secondly, I am not sure how much of an impact this had (but it definitely had some), I love Naruto. Like loved the show as a kid and grew up the same age as Naruto when Shippuden came out - and I was fascinated by the fact a world can exist of villains and heroes, each justified in their own right, yet each acting in such opposite ways all for the sake of themselves or others. As Madara said - with way too much accuracy - "Wake up to reality! Nothing ever goes as planned in this accursed world. The longer you live, the more you realize that the only things that truly exist in this reality are merely pain, suffering and futility. Listen, everywhere you look in this world, wherever there is light, there will always be shadows to be found as well. As long as there is a concept of victors, the vanquished will also exist. The selfish intent of wanting to preserve peace, initiates war. and hatred is born in order to protect love. There are nexuses causal relationships that cannot be separated." I have been searching for an answer to this and truly believe philosophy was a route not only to understanding those nexuses, but understanding how they create a world of villains and heroes, good and bad, black and white, each justified in its own right.

  3. Thirdly, I loved the ancient Greeks. Socrates I wish there were more of and Plato, oml Plato (mind you a close ancestor to Alexander the Great) wrote such beautiful ideas. Not only challenging religion, but challenging the world order of Athens, and the relation that city state had to the world. He shaped some of the greatest minds and helped build parts of society that stretch into our modern laws, policies, and morals. But what about them made me choose philosophy? The allegory of the cave really. Understanding it not as a story format, but as an evolution of knowledge that one ought to seek. To not only be aware of our beliefs, but to grow to understand where those beliefs were formed, and to understand the knowledge which guided those beliefs to fruition. And finally in what way the knowledge and beliefs we have tie us to the nexuses of the world (a tl;dr is probably best if googled). If knowledge was not isolated in any one major than why narrow my mind to simply math or computer science or economics when the knowledge I was seeking was entirely different.

I apologize if this doesn't quite answer the curiosity - as my first comment might look I am in doubt if it was worth it (luckily I doubled in political science 🥵I can gladly become one of our corrupt politicians lol)

Tl;dr 1st. Worlds going to shit, the aftermath will need thinkers. 2nd. Naruto Shippuden, Madara's speech and the world of humans forced into "bad" and "good" actions, each justified in their own choices. 3rd. The Greeks: Socrates, Plato (specifically his allegory of the cave).


tuskofgothos t1_iwg3187 wrote

This is a really fascinating response! Thank you!

  1. To your first point, I am not a Westerner, but I do not share your skepticism regarding the prospects of the West and the world as a whole, at least in terms of timeline. I think it will take longer, but as you said, a decline will happen. I also think it is on the worldwide scale, not just for the West. It's very interesting to me that this line of thinking led you to become not a hedonist, but a philosopher.
  2. As a bit of an anime fan, I find it interesting that Naruto and its characters had such an influence on your thinking and choice of career. Naruto in and of itself does pose some interesting philosophical questions, especially if you consider what happened to Pain and his village. Out of interest, what do you think about the philosophy of One Piece (if you happen to follow that story as well).

xX0LucarioXx t1_iwl7uat wrote

I'm about halfway through One Piece rn😁😁I will send you a message once I'm done - with my thoughts -- at the pace I'm watching it'll be a couple weeks I think (work is dumb gives me no time).


bnogal t1_iwc8rvf wrote

Computer engineer doing sub that chart.

EU based.


SoloBaricsFTW t1_iwcxisr wrote

I’d be curious to see how the trades factor into this


letskeepitcleanfolks t1_iwd92zc wrote

Discouraging to see that the value we place on education is getting even lower.


nomadic_main t1_iwdk99l wrote

At 25 I was below the lowest point on the graph and now at 29 I make more than the highest point


sdfree0172 t1_iwdx24x wrote

This is US data, I assume. Hard to show mean incomes in the US. The cost of living and wages change a lot based on location. DC and San Fran are not at all similar to Biloxi, MI or Gary, IN - like over 2x salary difference. In DC, no engineer would earn anything on this list for the most part. I can’t even hire new grads for under $80k in engineering.


Phil_Smiles t1_iwfpg5p wrote

Odd that there isnt physiks or chemistry but biology and chemical engineering


WiscoDisco14 t1_iwbzmyl wrote

These numbers make me feel better about my associate’s degree 😬


King_Trasher t1_iwdavkd wrote

Hell yeah, 3%

Over 9 years of inflation that's almost a fraction of the raise there should have been to account for the steady devaluation of currency and rising living expenses


Dragon-Ash t1_iwedrom wrote

Anyone studying religion deserves what they get, but wtf, education should be at the far right of that chart.