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BadBunnyYonaguni t1_ivfiqzd wrote

The Mercator projection is completely fine, people just use it in the incorrect ways. The map projection was designed for naval navigation, and it works perfectly as such a map. But since it’s so common, people started using it as a catch all map. I don’t really get why it matters if some countries are smaller? Does national pride get hurt? Just odd. I’m British Indian fwiw.


IkeRoberts t1_ivfoo23 wrote

If the map is about exports from India, then a projection that represents India accurately and centrally should be a priority.

For data visualization (for which r/dataisbeautiful is a showcase for best practices), it is good to spread out the informative material and minimize (or peripheralize) the unimportant. A projection that wastes half the space on parts of the globe that are not part of the story fails to do so.