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RETAW57 t1_ivesjt5 wrote

Each of the three countries ravaged by colonialism in South Asia have virtually similar issues on this

They're all recovering economies. As manufacturing grows, these things will change.

That said the 60% is a shit take. All 3 are still heavily agrarian societies, so the dollar poverty line is misleading which CNN blatantly bypasses. PPP is also a thing.

$3.10 in India is worth close to 10 times more on PPP. -,in%20price%20levels%20between%20countries.


Jaded_Prompt_15 t1_iveszg5 wrote

What does that have to do with India not raising their internal poverty line for 20 years?

Like, I don't see how that's anyone's fault except the Indian government.

60% are still under the global poverty line regardless of how much India lies to their own citizens....

At this point I don't think this is going to be productive tho. Because the only Indians that can afford the internet aren't in that 60%, and they seem really motivated to tell the rest of the world it's not a problem...

Probably because they directly benefit from that wealth disparity


Also weird how 90% of the time I block one of those accounts, I immediately get a reply from a different account that normally never posts outside of a niche sub...

Like, if it didn't happen so often, I'd think it was coincidence.


bennymba t1_ivetag4 wrote

Like OP said, you ignore PPP completely. The concept of a global poverty line is fundamentally flawed.


NotMadeForReddit t1_ivfgils wrote

60% are below poverty line, have you ever heard of GDP PPP, if you haven’t then you’re stupid to even discuss this topic.

>60% are still under poverty line regardless of how much India lies,

well you can continue live in your bubble of thinking that “India is a dirt poor country and I know everything about India.”

About the part of you blocking the person who replies with sources to you when you just talk out of your ass it just reinforces the statement of you living in your own bubble and continuing to ignore anything that opposes your ideas.