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app4that t1_iv56g0w wrote

Haven’t been to Japan but 7-11in Denmark made me think how poor and disgusting our stores in the US are. The quality, value and lovely arrangement of the fresh sandwiches there and the level of cleanliness in the ubiquitous 7-11’s over there was a revelation


AnAverageOutdoorsman t1_iv56yfn wrote

Yeah, the convenience stores over there are more or less as you described those in Denmark. Also, the Japanese ones are truly convenience stores catering to a 24/7 society.


hennypennypoopoo t1_iv6mofc wrote

made me realize that stores supported by foot traffic are cleaner and better in general


Hole-In-Six t1_iv8hfok wrote

Except in the US where it's the exact opposite, magnets for the dirty and deranged?