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getwhatyoudesire t1_iulv45z wrote

Utd get £34m in tax cuts, Glazers make £30m a year. So the UK taxpayer is paying this dickheads wages, fantastic.


Money_Calm t1_iuniepm wrote

A company that loses money every year getting a tax break =/= the taxpayers funding it


Eton77 t1_iuo0f2c wrote

Indirectly, that’s exactly what it is. If they didn’t make loses, they wouldn’t get tax cuts, thus the govt gets more money.


FakeHaiTohFekDo t1_iuppjz0 wrote

Dividend is post tax not pre-tax so you're wrong there. So only the club is funding the glazers not the govt


Ericgzg t1_iurunuc wrote

Reddits understanding of finance and taxes in a nutshell.


OnundTreefoot t1_iuppbhb wrote

Between the taxes on salaries, merchandise, television revenue, the economic benefits that multiply well beyond the team itself (MU supports many secondary and tertiary businesses) UK citizens are getting an economic boom all year long from MU. The $34m in "tax breaks" is a token drop in the bucket compared to the money the government is taking in from MU and its doings.