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granger327 OP t1_irob53l wrote

This is derived from 30m resolution rasters of annual irrigated status as detected by IrrMapper, a system to automatically detect irrigation from Landsat satellite images. I read annual Irrmapper GeoTIFF of this area and accumulated them using rasterio and numpy, and wrote the cumulative images to a .gif with PIL.


IHaveABoat t1_irpdfd1 wrote

Where is this? Near Farmington?


darthsnick t1_irpprrf wrote

Need them green chilies. Yum!


jaLissajous t1_irpsi59 wrote

See, this is legitimately an example of Data being Beautiful. Thank you! :D


mwebster745 t1_irpt4do wrote

Based on the map I'm guessing it's up north near where the animas and San Juan Rivera merge near Farmington NM. That would make that huge irritated area NAPI (Navajo Agricultural Products Inc) basically a massive farm owned by the Navajo nation. Just drove through there last week, very impressive.


der_innkeeper t1_irpu6b4 wrote

The Data may be Beautiful, but the implications are crap.


insaradar t1_irq6zzj wrote

What year is the basemap image?


Equivalent_Poetry339 t1_irqakmu wrote

Yo this just gave me PTSD. I work as a data analyst for John Deere precision ag and I had to either map or re-name every one of those damned farms and fields in operations center. Took me almost a week. I had printouts of this that I’d fill in as I went to keep myself on track.

And yes, this is NAPI near Farmington, it is easily the biggest farm in New Mexico.


RogerSaysHi t1_irqhrvp wrote

We'd have been better off investing in rail and desalinization than farming in the desert. It was one thing to move so many people into a place that couldn't support them, it's a completely different ballgame to try to irrigate the desert.


cultofwacky t1_irqos3p wrote

Was in Farmington last month, neat seeing the area here


TheBadBull t1_irqpg9p wrote

For scale, the biggest of those circles are just over 1 km wide


boredatschipol t1_irqv0mb wrote

Point irrigation systems, as I understand them, are about as water efficient as open air irrigation can be. The alternatives being green \ glass house or hydroponics setups. What I would be interested in is the source of water for the irrigation and how sustainable that is. If its over pumping a restricted aquifer then yes, implications are bad


der_innkeeper t1_irrfdw1 wrote

Small scale is one thing. Moving when the rains stop is what happens, normally.

Draining aquifers and rivers to make it happen for 10 or 100x the normal population is not normal or sustainable.