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monosodiumg64 t1_ir50762 wrote

>the real burning issue is using most of that land for animal feed. it takes vast amounts of water and uses up 100x the weight of crops per final meat food..

Not sure any of those points are correct.

On the water point, most sources that claim animal feed takes up huge amounts of water are including rainwater, which is not "used" in the sense of "was available for other uses but no longer is because it was used up in growing crops". In fact almost all that rainwater runs off or evaporates, which it would have done whatever that land was use for.


Source? I ask because the range I usually see is 4x to 10x.


Hipser t1_ir7t6oa wrote

Twenty-six percent of the Planet's ice-free land is used for livestock grazing and 33 percent of croplands are used for livestock feed production


monosodiumg64 t1_ir95bb6 wrote

That's Greenpeace. Was a fan in the anti-whaling days but they were real environmentalists in those days. Now they are a propaganda org pushing ideological positions instead of the environment. They lie and distort freely to support their causes. Not a credible source in anything.

Tip: look not just for sources aligned with your beliefs, look also for sources with different biases.


Hipser t1_ir9mfad wrote

there are billions of environmentalists living under capitalism.