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thomas1599 t1_ir0m4vx wrote

I am sorry, but nobody nowadays talks about democracy without meaning the one with a constitution. Can I ask you something, are you from USA?


BadBunnyYonaguni t1_ir0ovno wrote

Of course they are. Where else would you get these room temperature IQ takes.


dog_superiority t1_ir0ze1o wrote

LOL... The nation that created the most prosperous economy the world had ever known, sent men to the moon, etc.


BadBunnyYonaguni t1_ir0zlxc wrote

Also the worst place to live in the developed world with an ever decreasing life expectancy with unhappy citizens. Great job for the shareholders 👍


dog_superiority t1_ir0zio4 wrote

Wrong... There are people on this very thread who say the Constitution is outdated and that we should throw it away. This sentiment is expressed often by the simpleminded.


thomas1599 t1_ir18jkg wrote

I am talking about the general type of constitution, not the Constitution of the USA. Many countries have them that set rules on what the government can and can't do.