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magagrowery t1_jdy6rmt wrote

Bro, this makes no sense 13-hundred applications? Are those just 13-hundred clicks on Indeed or what? Like when I apply, I investigate the best person in the company to email and also bring in a resume in person. May not be able to do that for every field, but I don't understand how someone can make 13 hundred quality applications.


Gulrix t1_jdy82ej wrote

Likely most of those were auto filtered rejections due to poor resume construction or the algorithm didn't detect enough key words.

74 phone screens is insane though. 50% success rate on phone screens does seem good to me.


ripewildstrawberry t1_jdy9m2e wrote

Short answer: you can't. Beyond that, it is difficult to believe there are even 1300 applicable, senior-level (assumed given the 17 yrs exp.) job openings in an individual field.


Sweaty-Willingness27 t1_jdyql81 wrote

You don't believe that there are 1300 Senior Project Manager positions in the United States?


ripewildstrawberry t1_je2y4ee wrote

1300 whose job description, offered pay, and advancement opportunities align with one individual's resume, skillset, and career goals? Not a chance.