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nemoomen t1_jdv74ln wrote

Absolutely wild that after 4 interviews only 2/9 resulted in an offer and one ghosted.


israelipm t1_jdvf3f7 wrote

Getting two offers out of 27 responses is pretty good IMO.


DevinCauley-Towns t1_jdxu456 wrote

This varies immensely based on industry, role, experience, and even quality of application. If every one of these applications has a custom-tailored cover letter & resume, to a highly demanded position for which the applicant is well qualified for then you could see offers approach 50%. If on the other side of things the field is over saturated, the position has very few barriers to entry and therefore a high applicant pool, the applicant has very little relevant experience, and little effort was put into the resume/cover letter then you’d expect an almost 0% return.

That’s not even taking economic climate or local nuisances into consideration. I wouldn’t put much weight into the results of these without knowing the answers to a lot of the questions I posed.


ferocioustigercat t1_jdy5p8s wrote

Lol. Become a nurse. You can get hired in a second. Though finding a job where you want to work and aren't going to be thrown under the bus and slowly lose your will to live is the tricky part.


ferocioustigercat t1_jdy5htn wrote

Yeah, it has to vary by what kind of job you are going after. I only had to put multiple applications and get denied when I was right out of college. Now, I am shocked if I put in an application and don't get an interview. And if I get an interview I know I'm going to get an offer. If I had bothered to put in 96 applications the last time I changed jobs I would have had too many interviews to actually realistically do. If I could somehow have done all the interviews, I probably would have had a 90% offer rate.