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Lakeside_Tigger t1_jcco9y7 wrote

96% on RT just means 96% of critics gave the movie a positive review, not that it scored a 9.6/10.

If 96% of critics give it a 6/10 it still gets a 96% RT score.

If a movie has a 100% of critics score it 5/10 the movie gets a 0% for having all negative reviews.


doktarr t1_jccr9c8 wrote

Be that as it may, Black Panther sports an 88 on Metacritic, which does weight by review score. This makes it far and away the highest rated Marvel movie of all time.

For my part I wouldn't put it there. I thought it was a good movie, but the interesting themes of the movie were muddled by some odd blind spots. I'd easily put Logan, GotG, and Thor Ragnarok above it.