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Delouest t1_jbzmtq4 wrote

You've really had a string of terrible luck!

My surgeon said I'm not a candidate for diep due to being to small and I have pretty bad asthma and can't be under anesthesia for the length of time they'd need. I think that was his explanation. This was in 2019 and I was more concerned with the cancer and treatment and just kind of accepted what my team was telling me the plan was. At this point I'd honestly be happy to be flat. I was never very attached to my breasts, and I won't be able to get feeling back either way, so it's just kind of moot. At the end of the day though, I'm probably going to avoid extra surgeries so it's probably going to be just whatever they say I need to replace the current implants and just do it at the same time.


newleaseonlife1 t1_jbzq9u2 wrote

So have you!!

That makes total sense. The length of the surgery is hard on anyone, and you shouldn't go through a recovery like that if you ultimately don't care as much.

I very very much get that "Idgaf I just wanna be done with it" feeling. Shit has been so rough I wanna keep my plastic surgeon as my emergency contact 🤣🤣. I don't even wanna have a gallbladder removed without him in the room