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kmmontandon t1_jbuozp4 wrote

Makes me wonder if it might be worth watching the Kings again - I haven’t seen a full season since the one immediately after Adleman left. I’ve bought into the hype of a few brief sparks of upswing like Tyreke Evans before.


alpacamegafan t1_jbupi2f wrote

It is 100% worth it. Even if you have a semblance of Kings fandom in you, you should catch their games this season since they have been the most exciting team to watch IMO. The crowd is electric, their offense is fun as hell… I would kill for my team to be as good as them right now.


hamburgers666 t1_jbvfxip wrote

It's been such a fun season. Sabonis and Fox made the all star game and deserved it. We are 13 games above 0.500, are in the second seed in the west, and have a beam. Plus, they don't have unlikable guys and everything just seems so positive around the team. Light the beam!


TaliFrost t1_jbwo0ji wrote

They're the 2 seed in a stacked western conference and they're playing a beautiful brand of basketball. Most exciting team in the NBA!


[deleted] t1_jbwtojc wrote



TaliFrost t1_jbwygex wrote

Yeah, historically good. They definitely haven't dropped off, they're like 8-1 since the all star break. They just scored 128 against the Suns without a single player with 20 points.